“Language of sports is understood by all”
We aim to create a programme for sports volunteers to be able to safely work with the communities during COVID-19 pandemic.
In society, especially in the context of the COVID-19 global pandemic, there is a growing trend of increasing social exclusion, which is causing and exacerbating problems such as: unemployment, poor health, poverty, intolerance, and declining opportunities for self-realization. This leads to ever-increasing tensions and conflicts between different sections of society. This gave rise to the project “Street Sport for All”, which aims to address the declining opportunities and lack of self-realization among disadvantaged, socially excluded young people through street sport. The following qualitative and quantitative results are planned during the project: 20 athletes from social exclusion Families who will organize, coordinate and, together with physical activity specialists, conduct regular 75-minute trainings (2 times / week) in public areas of Kaunas, in different remote districts, where young people have fewer opportunities and experience social exclusion. Sports activities will involve at least 100 young people from socially disadvantaged backgrounds or families (aged 8-29), of whom at least 50% will be women. active and inclusive co building societies and societies.
Thus, the project’s deliverables are:
Everyone no matter of their religion, ethnicity, gender or
sexual orientation can play and live together.

'When I Play' | espnW | ESPN Stories
espnW’s women-created and produced short film gives voice to every woman and girl who sees their movement as a movement. Click “Show More” for the powerful poem by Allison Glock.

#OneTeam: Athletes stand up for inclusion in sport
#OneTeam athletes share their stories in this powerful Public Service Announcement (PSA) exploring and promoting LGBTQ inclusion in sport.

Sweden's Refugee Runners
The refugee crisis in Europe is usually discussed in numbers – five million Syrians fleeing their country, 162,000 asylum applications to Sweden in 2015, an 82% drop one year later when Swedish parliament voted to toughen immigration laws.
LGTBQ people can not get married nor adopt children and have to face daily discrimination in issues such as blood donation, freedom of speech and employment in Lithuania.
Greece is one of the main entrances to Europe for refugees. Right now, more than 60.000 refugees wait there for their relocation in other EU countries.
Romani people in Romania are three times more likely to be born in poverty and 60% of Romani men are unemployed in Romania.
It is not uncommon in Latvia for LGBTQ minorities groups to be harassed or even attacked. LGBTQ still have restricted rights, like the prohibition of marriage or adoption.
Similar to Romenia, it is a common joke amongst Slovenian public administration that “For a Romani, the easiest personal document to obtain, by far, is a death certificate”.