Social Inclusion through Sport

The Empowerment Through Sports Methodology on social inclusion presents a universal methodology
on how to involve disadvantaged groups through sport.

The goal of this paper is to provide:

findings from the scientific literature and a qualitative research

review of available methods used to encourage inclusivity in sport activities

a summary of the multiplier sports events that can be referred to as a good example of social inclusion through sports and empowerment

opinions of youth workers, experienced in involving everyone and empowering through sports

Social Inclusion through Sport

The Empowerment Through Sports Methodology on social inclusion presents a universal methodology
on how to involve disadvantaged groups through sport.

The goal of this paper is to provide:

findings from the scientific literature and a qualitative research

review of available methods used to encourage inclusivity in sport activities

a summary of the multiplier sports events that can be referred to as a good example of social inclusion through sports and empowerment

opinions of youth workers, experienced in involving everyone and empowering through sports

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